Stark County Receives Funding from Ohio EPA to Help Homeowners with Failing Home Sewage...
Ohio EPA awarded Stark County a $300,000 principal forgiveness loan through Ohio EPA’s Home Sewage Treatment System Repair and Replacement Program which will help qualifying homeowners address failing septic systems.
Summit County Property Receives Covenant Not To Sue Under Ohio EPA’s Voluntary Action Program
The city of Cuyahoga Falls has received a covenant not to sue under Ohio EPA’s Voluntary Action Program (VAP) after investigating and remediating the Cuyahoga River Corridor Brownfield Area in Cuyahoga Falls
Six Southeast Ohio Counties Receive Ohio EPA Loans to Repair, Replace Household Sewage Treatment...
WASHINGTON, D.C. - October 25, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- Ohio EPA has issued individual $56,000 loans to Hocking, Meigs, Morgan, Morrow, Muskingum and Perry counties to help their residents pay for household sewage treatment system repair and replacement. The loans are being issued from the Ohio Water Pollution Control Loan Fund (WPCLF) and will help each county save an estimated $87,736-$90,288 over the 20-year lives of the loans when compared to the market rate
Summit County Property Receives Covenant Not to Sue Under Ohio EPA’s Voluntary Action Program
WASHINGTON, D.C. - October 9, 2013 - (RealEstateRama) -- Through the voluntary efforts of the city of Barberton, a local brownfield has been investigated under Ohio EPA’s Voluntary Action Program (VAP) and is ready for redevelopment.
Portage County Property Owner Ordered to Pay Penalty for Open Burning
January 24, 2011 - (RealEstateRama) -- Ohio EPA has ordered a Portage County resident to pay a $1,250 civil penalty for repeated illegal open burning. Seth Powers was ordered to pay the penalty after open burning solid waste, wood, brush and other materials on property located at New Milford Road and adjacent to the I-76 overpass in Rootstown Township. Powers has a land contract on the residential property.
Ohio EPA Approves Urban Setting Designation for Coshocton Redevelopment Project
Columbus, OH - June 5, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Ohio EPA has approved an Urban Setting Designation for a piece of property in the city of Coshocton. The Urban Setting Designation (USD) covers approximately 21 acres known as the Downtowner Plaza on South Second Street. The property is a multi-tenant retail shopping plaza.
Gallia County Developer Will Pay Ohio EPA $15,000 for Violations
Columbus, OH - August 30, 2008 - (RealEstateRama) — Ohio EPA and Gallia County developer Herbert Smith have agreed to a $15,000 penalty to...