WASHINGTON, D.C. – May 15, 2009 – (RealEstateRama) — In an effort to bring transparency and accountability to government spending and appropriations, U.S. Senator George Voinovich (R-OH), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Appropriations’ Subcommittee on Homeland Security, today released the following Transportation, Housing and Urban Development appropriations requests for Fiscal Year 2010.
Burke Lakefront Terminal Apron Overlay
Location: Cleveland, OH
Amount: $960,000
Funding would be utilized for the rehabilitation of Burke Lake Front Airport terminal apron area.
This project will expand capacity at Burke Lakefront Airport (BKL), which is the reliever airport for Cleveland Hopkins. Without key upgrades to BKL’s runway infrastructure, congestion at CLE would increase leading to commercial flight delays.
Clean and Green Bus Replacements Initiative
Location: Statewide
Amount $2,000,000
Funding would be utilized statewide for the purchase of 100 clean and environmentally friendly electric or bio-fuel propulsion replacement buses. This project will replace inefficient, out of date buses, with “green” buses that will improve air quality, transit reliability, and reduce commuting costs.
Dayton Regional Distribution and Logistics Project
Location: Dayton, OH
Amount: $500,000
Funding would be utilized for planning and engineering to provide rail service to future and current development sites west of the Dayton International Airport in Montgomery County and north into Miami County. The project is part of a multi-modal hub being developed to increase the economic competitiveness of the Dayton region by providing safe, efficient and cost effective movement of goods, services and people.
Downtown Euclid Transportation and Redevelopment Project
Location: Euclid, OH
Amount: $1,000,000
Funding would be utilized to implement infrastructure improvements for the City of Euclid. This project seeks to minimize urban sprawl, encourage alternative modes of transportation, and will serve as a catalyst for job creation for the city.
Employment Training Center, Ohio: $400,000
Location: Dayton, OH
Amount: $400,000
Funding would be utilized for capital improvements to the Dayton Urban League to create the Economic Development Center, which focuses on workforce development, entrepreneurship, financial literacy and credit counseling. This project will allow the Dayton Urban League to reach those that are hardest hit by the surge in unemployment in the Dayton region.
Hudson Transportation Enhancements
Location: Hudson, OH
Amount: $500,000
Funding would be utilized to create a regional-scale public nature preserve on 352 acres adjacent to the City of Hudson’s 100-acre Maple Grove Park and is located approximately one mile from the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
I-480/Tiedeman Road Interchange Modification
Location: Brooklyn, OH
Amount: $500,000
Funding would be utilized to complete right of way acquisition and utility relocation to improve the I-480/Tiedeman Road interchange. This interchange serves as a vital connection between the City of Brooklyn and greater Ohio. The modification will effectively reduce traffic congestion and traffic accidents.
I-75 at South Dixie Drive / Central Avenue Interchange
Location: West Carrollton, OH
Amount: $500,000
Funding would be utilized for construction of the four missing movements at existing Exit 47 on I-75. Federal Highway Administration standards require full eight movement interchanges along interstates. Upgrading this interchange will reduce traffic congestion and reduce traffic accidents.
Kent State University Air Traffic Control Simulation Laboratory, Ohio
Location: Kent, OH
Amount: $500,000
Funding would be utilized for the purchase and installation of equipment to establish an Air Traffic Control Simulation Laboratory. Currently, the nation has a shortage of air traffic controllers. The laboratory will allow students and instructors at Kent State to address the issue with relevant real-world training and experience.
Kids Come First: A Coalition for Child Care Resources
Location: Columbus, OH
Amount: $500,000
Funding would be utilized for the construction of a child care facility to serve low-income, at risk children.
Mahoning Road Infrastructure and Economic Development Project
Location: Canton, OH
Amount: $1,000,000
Funding would be utilized for the replacement and upgrade of street and utility infrastructure. This project will assist the city in its efforts to stimulate economic development, and recruit new employers.
Martha/I-76 Construction
Location: Akron, OH
Amount: $3,000,000
Funding would be utilized for construction of a new east/west roadway from Martha Avenue to Massillon Road for access to I-76. This project is a key element of an extensive redevelopment effort by the city that will include a new retail center, additional office centers and an industrial park.
MetroWest Commerce Park
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Amount: $1,500,000
Funding would be utilized for redevelopment of Brownfield property into a new light industrial and service center business park. The project will result in the demolition of nearly 650,000 square feet of vacant, hazardous buildings, the removal of over 14,000 tons of polluted soil, and the creation of new commercial space accounting for 400 new jobs.
Muskingum River Swing Bridge Rehabilitation Project, Ohio: $250,000
Location: Coshocton, OH
Amount: $250,000
Funding would be utilized to upgrade the Muskingum River Swing Bridge mechanism and install a new electrical operating system. This project will allow continued freight traffic, keeping over 80,000 trucks off of local and regional roads, while also enhancing water travel on the canal through Zanesville.
Ohio University National Asphalt Laboratory, OH
Location: Athens, OH
Amount Request: $1,041,000
Funding would be utilized for the acquisition of equipment and laboratory material acquisition for the Ohio University National Asphalt Laboratory. The Ohio University National Asphalt Laboratory is one of the nation’s premier transportation laboratories and its research will result in asphalt pavements that will serve the public for 50 years or more, greatly saving on resurfacing and maintenance costs, and ultimately reducing motorist costs and delays, freeing up funds for other needed infrastructure work.
Purchase and Remediation of Former Jeep Parkway property
Location: Toledo, OH
Amount: $3,000,000
Funding would be utilized for the purchase and remediation of the former Jeep Parkway property. This project will result in new employment opportunities and restore property values in the surrounding neighborhoods.
Reconstruction of the University Circle Rapid Station
Location: Cleveland, OH
Amount: $2,000,000
Funding would be utilized for the reconstruction of the University Circle transit station. This project will create a true multi-modal solution for the transportation needs of the projected 10,000 new jobs being created in University Circle.
Rickenbacker Intermodal East-West Connector
Location: Pickaway, OH
Amount: $2,000,000
Funding would be utilized for the purchase of right of way for a new connector road. This project will alleviate existing traffic congestion, and will provide increased freight capacity, and new opportunities for economic growth.
Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority Transit Facility Expansion
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Amount: $7,000,000
Funding would be utilized for the development of two inter-modal transit hubs in Cincinnati. This project will provide increased access to the Cincinnati metropolitan area and provide Park-and-Ride resources to commuters.
US 33/SR 4/SR 31 Interchange Improvements, Ohio: $500,000
Location: Marysville, OH
Amount: $500,000
Funding would be utilized for engineering and design of the US 33/SR 4/SR 31 interchange improvements. This project will support economic growth for the immediate residents in Marysville and surrounding Union County, as well as in the adjacent Franklin, Delaware, Hardin, Logan, and Marion Counties.
US 35 Interchanges
Location: Xenia, OH
Amount: $2,000,000
Funding would be utilized for engineering and right of way acquisition to eliminate of two at-grade signalized intersections at US 35. This project will reduce existing congestion in the Dayton area and safety along the US 35 corridor, while also improving access to other area highways such as I-75.
Warrensville/Van Aken Infrastructure Improvements
Location: Shaker Heights, OH
Amount: $700,000
Funding would be utilized for roadwork design and engineering. This project will provide transportation to new and existing employment centers, helping to retain 2,500 existing jobs in the district and creating 1,200 new jobs.