Public Hearing Set for Water Quality Impacts from Big Darby Bridge Construction Project
Meeting to be Held Thursday, April 7, 2016
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (RealEstateRama) — Ohio EPA will present information and receive testimony at a public hearing for a water quality certification related to a proposed bridge replacement at the County Road 22 bridge over Big Darby Creek near Orient. The meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 7, 2016, at Pleasant View Middle School at 7255 Knopp Road, Grove City.
The current County Road 22 bridge will be demolished and the piers within Big Darby Creek will be removed which will require a temporary work pad within the stream. The new bridge will be constructed to the east of the current bridge on a new alignment. All piers for the new bridge will be located outside of Big Darby Creek.
The proposed project may result in a change from the current water quality conditions but cannot violate Ohio’s water quality standards that protect human health and the environment. Ohio EPA will consider the technical, economic, social and environmental aspects of the project before deciding to issue or deny a permit.
Ohio EPA values comments from the public and will accept written comments about the certification until April 14, 2016. Comments should be emailed to epa.dswcomments (at) epa.ohio (dot) gov or mailed to EPA-DSW, Attention Permits Processing unit, P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049.
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1972 to consolidate efforts to protect and improve air quality, water quality and waste management in Ohio. Since then, air pollutants dropped by as much as 90 percent; large rivers meeting standards improved from 21 percent to 89 percent; and hundreds of polluting, open dumps were replaced with engineered landfills and an increased emphasis on waste reduction and recycling
MEDIA CONTACT: Heather Lauer
CITIZEN CONTACT: Kristopher Weiss