WASHINGTON, D.C. –- (RealEstateRama) — Potential wetland impacts from the installment of an additional drinking water well in Carrollton will be the focus of a June 15, 2017 Ohio EPA public information session and hearing.
The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 15 at Carrollton Village Hall Council Chambers, 80 Second Street S.W., Carrollton. It will be an opportunity for residents to ask questions and submit comments concerning the application for wetlands impacts associated with the construction of a public water well to supplement existing wells.
The proposed construction would include the impact from 322 cubic yards of fill to be discharged into nearly .2-acres of forested category three wetlands. These impacts would be mitigated at a ratio of 3 to 1, equivalent to .6-acres. To make up for wetlands impacts, mitigation requirements would be fulfilled by the village of Carrollton purchasing a .6 credit from the North Coast Regional Council of Park Districts fee program toward a future forested wetland project.
Anyone planning to discharge, dredge or use fill material in a way that impacts waters of the state must first obtain a water quality certification from Ohio EPA and a permit from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Ohio EPA reviews the project to ensure it will comply with Ohio’s water quality standards.
The proposed project may result in a change from current water quality conditions, but cannot violate Ohio’s water quality standards that protect human health and the environment. Ohio EPA will consider technical, economic, social and environmental aspects of the project before deciding whether to issue or deny a water quality certification. The application and related material are available for review online at epa.ohio.gov/dsw/401/permitting.aspx, or by calling (614) 644-2001.
Comments on the application may be offered at the hearing or submitted in writing to: epa.dswcomments (at) epa.ohio (dot) gov or writing to Ohio EPA-DSW, Attention: Permits Processing Unit, P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049. The public comment period for the application ends June 22, 2017.
The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1972 to consolidate efforts to protect and improve air quality, water quality and waste management in Ohio. Since then, air pollutants dropped by as much as 90 percent; large rivers meeting standards improved from 21 percent to 89 percent; and hundreds of polluting, open dumps were replaced with engineered landfills and an increased emphasis on waste reduction and recycling.