OHFA receives federal grant to provide local funding
COLUMBUS – Foreclosure counseling efforts in Ohio received a much-needed boost this week through a grant awarded to the Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA). As part of a $180 million initiative, OHFA was approved for $3,066,393 from the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program. These funds will be distributed to 18 organizations around the state to increase the availability of foreclosure counseling.
“Households that receive counseling may be able to avoid foreclosure,” said Douglas Garver, Executive Director. “With Ohio being one of the top states in the number of foreclosures during 2007, we saw a need to increase counseling services throughout the state. We are happy to have received this grant opportunity and hope that this money will help local organizations keep more families in their homes.”
The grant to support OHFA’s foreclosure counseling intervention efforts was provided by funds from the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program. Approved by Congress in the FY08 Consolidated Appropriations Bill, the National Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Program is administered through a competitive application process by NeighborWorks® America, within guidelines defined by Congressional legislation. NeighborWorks® America is an independent, Congressionally-chartered non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., with a mission to provide access to sustainable homeownership and safe, affordable rental housing.
The following organizations were part of the OHFA application and will receive funds: Corporation for Appalachian Development , Community Action Commission of Belmont County, Community Action Commission of Fayette County, Community Housing Solutions, Community Reinvestment Institute Alumni Association, E.S.O.P., East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation, Fair Housing Contact Service, Fair Housing Resource Center, Inc., Geauga County Community & Economic Development, Mid Ohio Regional Planning Commission, Mustard Seed Development Center, NID Housing Counseling Agency, Northwest Ohio Development Agency/Toledo Fair Housing Center, The Housing Advocates, Inc., Working in Neighborhoods, WSOS and Union Miles Development Corporation.
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OHFA utilizes federal and state resources to provide housing opportunities for families and individuals through programs designed to create, preserve, and manage affordable housing throughout the State of Ohio. The Agency is a self-supporting quasi-public agency governed by an eleven-member board, nine of whom are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Two additional seats on the board, by statute, are reserved for the Director of Development and the Director of Commerce or their designees, and both serve as ex officio voting members.