COLUMBUS, OH – August 13, 2009 – (RealEstateRama) — Lisa Patt-McDaniel, interim director of the Ohio Department of Development, today announced that the Village of Carrollton, Fulton County, and Mahoning County will receive grants totaling more than $1.1 million from the federally funded Water and Sanitary Sewer Program, administered by the Department’s Community Development Division. The funds are administered to improve the overall function and efficiency of the water and sanitary sewer systems of each community and will benefit approximately 1,290 households.
“Contaminated water and excess waste in our communities can pose harmful health risks to citizens throughout the state,” said Patt-McDaniel. “The goal of the Water and Sanitary Sewer Program is to create a safe and sanitary living environment for Ohioans through the provision of reliable drinking water and proper disposal of waste.”
The Village of Carrollton, in Carroll County, will receive a $500,000 grant to address exceeding limits of sewage by reconstructing its wastewater treatment plant. The approximately $7.9 million project will assist 1,241 households.
Fulton County (Gorham Township) will receive a $50,000 grant to install a lift station and 2,000 linear feet of sewer line from the Riviera Mobile Home Park to the Village of Fayette to help treat high levels of waste. The estimated $103,500 project will assist 17 households.
Mahoning County (Smith Township) will receive a $554,900 grant to install a lift station, 4,332 linear feet of sewer line, and a pump station to help eliminate unsanitary conditions. The estimated $1.6 million project will assist 32 households.
The Water and Sanitary Sewer Program is administered by the Ohio Department of Development’s Office of Housing and Community Partnerships and helps local governments maintain, improve, and expand water and sanitary sewer systems. Applications for the program are accepted on a continual basis and are rated against the following criteria: number of persons expected to benefit from the project; ability to leverage funds; program impact; program readiness; and the community’s financial capacity and rate structure. Communities with documented health and safety concerns receive priority for funding.
The Office of Housing and Community Partnerships provides financial and technical assistance to units of local government and nonprofit organizations in Ohio for project activities which benefit low- and moderate-income citizens.
Working with our partners across business, state and local governments, academia, and the non-profit sector, the Ohio Department of Development works to attract, create, grow, and retain businesses through competitive incentives and targeted investments. Engaged every day in marketing, innovating, investing, and collaborating, the Ohio Department of Development works at the speed of business to accelerate and support the teamwork that is absolutely necessary for success by providing financial, informational, and technical assistance to those making an investment in Ohio’s future.
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Media contacts: Eileen Turner at (614) 728-6674
or the Communications & Marketing Office at (614) 466-2609