Brown Announces More Than $33,000 Federal Investment in Housing for Homeless Akron Veterans
WASHINGTON, D.C. – (RealEstateRama) — Following Veterans Day, U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announced $33,408 in federal funding to provide rental assistance paired with health services for homeless veterans in Akron as part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) voucher program. Brown is ranking member of the Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee.
Dedicated federal investments in HUD-VASH vouchers and services have been a critical element of the nation’s effort to end veteran homelessness. Since this effort began in 2010, homelessness among veterans has declined by 47 percent. But more remains to be done.
“Even one homeless veteran is too many. Our veterans have earned our gratitude and we cannot stand by while some of them face life on the street,” Brown said. “The housing assistance provided through HUD-VASH is an important investment in ensuring that all Akron veterans have a place to call home.”
Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority Executive Director Tony O’Leary said, “This is exactly the type of local solution to veterans homelessness intended by Congress when they created the VASH program. We are happy to be among several partners joining with Tober Building Company to reduce homelessness in Summit County.”
Through the HUD-VASH program, the Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority will provide critical rental assistance and onsite social services for eight veterans at Stoney Pointe Commons. Veterans will also receive comprehensive case management and health services from VA.
In April, Brown – who sits on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee – joined the committee to announce its comprehensive Veterans First Act. The Veterans First Act includes a variation of the Veteran Housing Stability Act of 2015, which Brown cosponsored. The bill would increase veterans’ access to permanent housing options by increasing outreach to landlords to encourage renting to veterans, expanding the definition of “homeless veteran” – so more veterans, including those facing domestic abuse, can access housing assistance – providing grants for organizations that support formerly homeless veterans, and advancing research into homelessness.
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Contacts: Jenny Donohue/Tamika Turner
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