Brown Announces $250,000 In New Federal Funding For Water Treatment In Jackson County
Improvements Will Help Improve Service for More Than 2,500 Customers in Jackson and Lick Township
WASHINGTON, D.C. – June 17, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) today announced $250,000 in federal funding for the City of Jackson to make needed improvements to its wastewater treatment plant. The funding was awarded by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC).
“Proper wastewater management and storage is critical to the infrastructure of Ohio communities,” said Brown. “This funding will help improve service for rural customers and improve energy efficiency in Jackson.”
The $250,000 from ARC will give Jackson the opportunity to increase its wastewater storage capacity to six million gallons to optimize treatment plant operations, improve energy efficiency, and to purchase new plant equipment and new instrumentation. The improvements at the wastewater treatment plant will mitigate operational issues.
In addition, this project will improve sewer service for 2,586 residential and 476 commercial customers in the City of Jackson and Lick Township. It will also help keep a local frozen food company operating by providing reliable wastewater treatment services and allow for additional economic development with the improved infrastructure.
In addition to the $250,000 in ARC funds, state sources will provide $500,000 through the Ohio Development Services Agency, Residential Public Infrastructure Grant. The City of Jackson will provide $4,455,000 through the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency Water Prevention Control Loan Fund.